Ecological. Fair. Cosmopolitan.

Green politics for Central Saxony.

Manifesto for Download

For ecology, fairness and democracy

Since our foundation, we have been fighting for nature and a world in which all people can live a self-determined and dignified life.

Humans and environment

Different paths to the future are not only possible, they are already laid out in our present day. Just as humans have the power to destroy the world, they also have the power to make it a better place for everyone. We have it in our own hands.

Politics is about joining forces and standing up for a better future. As a party, we are united by a shared basic attitude to the world as it is and as it could be. It is our goal to make a life in dignity and freedom possible, today as well as the day after tomorrow, everywhere on this planet that we inhabit together. As diverse as we are ourselves, as open are our arms for you to join in, to forge alliances. We have joined together because we trust that our politics can make the difference.

Green grows

After record Green results in October 2018 in the state elections in Bavaria and Hesse, we were  delighted about the European elections in May 2019 with 20.5 percent, the best Green election result we have ever achieved in a nationwide election.

The popularity is not only evident on the ballot: within one year, from December 2018 to December 2019, we grew from 75,000 to 95,000 members. The hopes are huge, and so are the challenges.

If you are interested in building a better world please feel free to contact us

BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN Mittelsachsen

Kesselgasse 1
09599 Freiberg


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